Kelly Willenberg & Associates

Other Publications

Work Smart – Avoid Swimming Upstream in Billing Compliance, NCURA Magazine, Jan/Feb 2020, Vol 52, No 1 (18)
Clinical Trial Billing, Journal of Healthcare Compliance, Nov/Dec 2019, Vol 21, No 5 (51-53)
Increase Revenue by Compliant Clinical Trial Billing, SOCRA Source, Nov 2019, Issue 102 (17-22)
Meeting the Billing Challenges Inherent to Clinical Trials; Oncology Nurse Advisor Dec 2012
Clinical Research: What It Takes for Physician Practice Billing Compliance, Association of Healthcare Internal Auditors; v. 31, no. 2 Summer 2012, Authors: K. Mottola and K. Willenberg.
A New Approach in Compliance: The Non-Physician Principal Investigator, Compliance Today, August 2012, Authors: N. Durham and K. Willenberg.
The Sponsor’s Role in Medicare Reimbursement for Clinical Trials, Journal of Clinical Research Best Practices, Vol. 8, No. 3, March 2012, Authors: B DeLair and K. Willenberg.
Medicare Coverage for Cancer Research, Journal of Clinical Research Best Practices, Vol. 6, No. 3, March 2010, Authors: R. Meade, K. Willenberg and M. Roach.